June 15, 2005


I wrote the following for the issue of the L.A. Weekly that hits the newsstands tomorrow:

Dean_1 Howard Dean did it again: he touched off a firestorm of criticism from within his own Democratic Party with an impolitic, off-the-cuff remark. Last week, talking to a forum of minorities in San Francisco, the Democrats’ national chairman said the Republicans were “pretty much a White Christian party” -- a story the San Francisco Chronicle broke under the headline, “The Mouth That Won’t Stop Roaring.”

As Karl Rove sat back and laughed his ass off in glee, a parade of national Democratic leaders scrambled to distance themselves from Biden the darling of the party’s grassroots activists. Joe Biden (left), ranking Dem on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, blasted Dean’s remark as “counterproductive,” and said on ABC’s This Week that “Dean doesn’t speak for me with that kind of rhetoric.” Holy Joe Lieberman rather predictably denounced Dean’s comment as “way over the top.” New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (right) chimed in that “I wouldn’t Bill_richrdson have made the comments” Dean did, adding, “We all say stupid things sometimes.” Clintonista Congressman Rahm Emmanuel, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner (who wants to be the presidential candidate of the Democratic right), and a raft of Democratic pundits and consultants joined the anti-Dean wailing.

John_edwards John Edwards -- who is still pursuing the fantasy that he can beat Hillary Clinton for the party’s nomination in ‘09 -- tried to have it both ways, with an “I-was-for-Dean-before-I-was-against-him” pirouette worthy of Johnny Ray’s former running mate, which the Washington Post reported, deadpan, this way: “Former vice presidential nominee John Edwards said of Dean at a Nashville fundraiser Saturday night: ‘He's a voice. I don't agree with it.’ But Monday, the DNC Web log featured an entry from Edwards's blog emphasizing their common beliefs. ‘We both agree with this basic truth: This Republican president and this Republican majority are not doing what they should be doing for working people in this country,’ the entry read. ‘Howard and I have been saying the same thing about this for years. Hear that? The same thing. For years.’” That Janus-like opportunism by Edwards said more about him than it did about Dean.

Edwards wasn’t the only one talking out of both sides of his mouth. Pelosi_1 Dean told his home state Vermont’s WCAX-TV that “"I'm getting unsolicited calls from people like… Nancy Pelosi and others saying they're supportive.” But there was Pelosi on CNN, saying, “I don’t think [Dean’s remark] was a helpful statement.”

I’ve frankly never understood the enthusiasm of activist liberal Democrats for Dean: he governed as a business-friendly centrist in Vermont, giving state corporate welfare to his campaign contributors; and insisted last year while he was running for president that he wa a centrist and that, "I really have a healthy mistrust of the left as well as the right." After his defeat in the Democratic primaries last year, he ran away from his opposition to the war in Iraq, telling MSNBC's Chris Matthews, "I never did base my campaign on the war" – an attempt to rewrite history which drew guffaws from people not afflicted with Alzheimer's. And he endorsed Bush’s first-strike doctrine, which said the U.S. had a right to militarily attack anywhere, anytime, and any place it wanted to.

But Dean’s unscripted, incautious style has made Deaniacs out of a lot of despairing rank-and-filers tired of the same-old same-old from Mdacauliffe the cautious bloviating Democratic heads who populate the Sunday chat shows and congregate on CNN‘s Inside Politics. He’s certainly a refreshing contrast to his oleaginous predecessor, gazillionaire bagman Terry MacAuliffe (left), who sweated falseness from every pore. When Dean says that “most Republicans have never made an honest living in their lives,” the activist Dems eat it up -- even though, as Democratic polling expert Roy Teixera pointed out, Bush won white working-class voters (those without college degrees) by 23 points, and a crack like Dean’s seemed (to them at least) calculated to drive them further into the GOP embrace.

I think the problem is that Dean throws out this red-meat rhetoric because he has no substance. He’s not a well-read man, and the insurgent, anti-war, populist persona Joe Trippi grafted on to the centrist Vermont governor last year was a matter of positioning against the field, not of deep conviction on Dean’s part. Dean has no progressive policy depth, so all he has to fall back on as he tries to rev up the Dems’ troops are these one-liners.

They sound great if you‘re starved for in-their-face anti-Republicanism -- but where’s the beef? To get to be DNC chair, Dean had to promise that he’d leave policy to the Democrats’ Congressional leadership -- make that the timid Democratic Congressional leadership. And he’s kept that promise. Example: just two weeks ago, Marin County Congresswoman Lynne Woolsey forced a vote on her resolution requiring the Bush administration to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. But this common-sense proposal was torpedoed with the help of the House Democratic leadership -- Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the supposed "liberal," and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer both led 79 House Democrats in voting to kill the Woolsey withdrawal resolution--even though the latest Gallup Poll shows 59% of American think all or part of US troops should be brought home from Iraq. But was there a peep out of The Mouth That Roared expressing even mild disagreement with this sellout? Naaaah…

Back in the late ‘50s, DNC chair Paul Butler -- under pressure from the Adlai Stevenson wing of the party -- turned the DNC into a nest for fresh, new policies for the Dems -- like the ones that later were Donkey adopted (at least in form) by the Kennedy administration as the Peace Corps, the War on Poverty, and the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

With the Capitol Hill Dems so inert, and so often voting with big business on things like bankruptcy limits (a boon to the credit card industry) and with Bush on the war, why not make the DNC once again a place where new, progressive policies can be articulated to help forge another Democratic victory, the nerve center of the fight against the drift to the center? That’s what the small donors Dean is trying to appeal to really want -- and it wouldn’t alienate swaths of swing voters the way Dean’s zingers often do. Absent the substance, though, it’s hard to see the shallow, pandering cracks that have elected Dems running away from Dean as anything other than a distraction from the uphill task of bringing what is a distinctly minority party these days back into power.

Posted by Direland at 01:11 AM | Permalink


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Howard Dean is one of the extremely few in current American politics that has been bold, sincere, and willing to stand up against those in the Republican Party who claim to have a moral base but have screwed-up values. I am a supporter of Howard Dean, and hearing those of you who criticize him because you think he doesn't do enough annoys me. Unlike almost everybody else in Washington, Howard Dean always stands up for what he believes in. He chooses to not subscribe to a popular majority like everybody else not because it's easy or convenient for him, but because he posesses the strength of character and courage to do so. Maybe you don't agree with everything he does or says, everything he chooses to not do or say. That's normal. But the problem with politics today is that people don't criticize the politicians that have been in Congress for a decade and refuse to stand up for their beliefs or their constituents' beliefs and hold them accountable. Instead, they criticize someone like Dean, because he's outspoken, and he's willing to sacrifice his political stability for his beliefs, which is what every politician should be willing to do.

Posted by: Jen | Jan 22, 2007 12:32:36 PM

As someone who has gone to democracy for america meetups and resigned from it, I'm late to this thread.
BUT Mr. Ireland does have valid points. For me, when Gov. Dean agreed to Bush’s first-strike doctrine, which said the U.S. had a right to militarily attack anywhere, anytime, and any place it wanted to, well, that did it for me regarding Dean.
And his comments are, unfortunately, half-ass when it comes to 'hammering the opposition'. And they present so many opportunities all I can guess is Dean is now really gunshy of the mass media AND not very good at hiring PR people.
And I'll bet dollars to donuts most of those defending Dean aren't old enough to remember Butler and the DNC at the time.
What I have seen at Democracy for America meetups is a bunch of people looking to be led. And they are overwhelmingly white.
And yes, they want a 'tough talker' and were enamored of Obama after his speech at the Convention. BUT, look at his voting record. ANYONE wishing to move up in the 'hierarchy' HAS TO conform to the whores posing as peoples representatives that make up the power structure of the Democratic Party in Washington D.C.. Biden is a perfect example. Look at his voting record,not what he says.
As far as I'm concerned-and after living almost 60 years in this country,I'm very confident I do know the 'score'-there really isn't but one party and that is the 'Corporate Party' with 'blue' and 'red' factions.
Be assured that if Clinton is nominated, I'll be campaigning against her. And the way things are going-see Mr. Ireland's piece on San Bernardino County Congressman Jerry Lewis- it's getting near the time when dead bodies start appearing.

Posted by: ubetchaiam | Jun 29, 2005 10:32:59 PM

All of the above commentators never once mention Dean's lack of spine when it comes to the war. Ireland is right.

Posted by: duranta | Jun 20, 2005 8:37:07 PM

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