October 24, 2005


Kacsynski_postelection The results of Poland's presidential election yesterday are in, and the winner of a run-off between two rightists is Lech Kaczynski, leader of the reactionary Law and Justice Party, with a healthy 10-point victory over his rival.

In choosing Kaczynski (above left), the Poles have also elected a world-class homophobe. As East European expert David Ost wrote in his pre-election analysis for DIRELAND: Kacyzynski has pledged to purge the Polish polity of crooks, put more people in prison, write a new Constitution, and stigmatize gays. Indeed, one of Kaczynski’s best-known acts in recent years, as Mayor of Warsaw, has been his decision, two years in a row, to ban the Gay Pride Parade. Before that, as Minister of Justice in 2000, he presided over a big increase in the prison population. Father_tadeusz_rydzyk Policies such as these have won him the enthusiastic support of the extremist right-wing Catholic Radio Maria radio station and its influential, openly anti-Semitic leader, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk (left). With his lavish economic promises combined with his support for an active and repressive state, Kaczynski appears as a populist out of the past; many in the Polish press compare him to Argentina’s Peron.

That Kaczynski is already preparing to abandon the populist demagogy of his campaign's economic promises is made clear by his parliamentary coalition's decision to nameKazimierz_marcinkiewicz  Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz as prime minister. Marcinkiewicz (right) sits squarely in the neoliberal-but-religious-fundamentalist camp, so fashionable lately in this era of "there is no alternative" globalization. (Religion, in this view, is supposed to assuage citizens while social welfare is cut.) A radical Catholic activist in the early 1990s, Marcinkiewicz is militant in his condemnation of homosexuality as "unnatural" behavior that the state must stop from "infecting" others .....You can read the rest of David Ost's informative analysis of Polish politics by clicking here.

Posted by Direland at 03:48 AM | Permalink


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Doug Ireland's article about Kaczynski is a pathetic piece of mumbo-jumbo deprived of facts and proper analysis. What it actually shows is the author's total lack of knowldege about Poland and it's new president. I've read all kinds of different crap about Kaczynski but, by far this is the worst.
Poznan, Poland

Posted by: asiasup | Dec 6, 2005 2:55:03 PM

Please see pictures from the police intervention in gay parade in Poznan, Poland from Nov. 19, 2005.


Richard Romaniuk

See below:

Homophobia rules in Poznan

Equality Parade banned by Poznan authorities. The Gay and Lesbian Equality Parade planned for the coming Saturday in this western Polish city was banned by local authorities as it would “be a serious danger to social order and property.”

The officials stated that the intended route of the parade did not guarantee protection of property both private and public and “freedom of gathering in this case stood in conflict with the right of defence of property”.

The official line is that the organisers refused to change the route but it seems fairly clear that the city authorities yielded to the combined pressure of right-wing councillors from the ruling Law and Justice and League of Polish Families as well as from the Social Council of Poznan Archbishop.

A similar parade last year was stopped by an attack of right-wing hooligans, skins and members of the All-Polish Youth, an extreme right organisation connected with League of Polish Families.

See also:

Posted by: Richard Romaniuk | Nov 20, 2005 10:35:48 AM

Doug Ireland, propheting himself as "political journalist",
writes, to say simple, short and clear, pure craps.
Education or rather lack of education is what comes
to mind first reading the bullshit. Any serious
discussion is a waste of time.
Cracow, Poland

Posted by: warpman | Nov 7, 2005 7:37:40 AM

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