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January 12, 2006


Iran_noose_7 As the Islamic Republic of Iran’s lethal anti-gay pogrom—the government’s intense persecution of its own citizens for homosexuality, including the execution of  at least a dozen young gay men—proceeds at a terrifying pace, the victims of this oppression, despite great obstacles, continue to try to flee from the largest religious prison in the world to tell the story of the inhuman treatment they have suffered.

You may have read my previous interviews with two gay refugees from Iran's sadistic repression of same-sexers: Amir and Mojtaba. The latest escapee to testify to this anti-gay reign of terror is a 28-year-old man caught up in the government‘s extensive Internet entrapment campaign targeting gay men. We’ll call him Sam, and we cannot identify his hometown to protect his real identity.

Sam is the son of a very religious family, most of whom do not know he’s gay. He lived in a smaller town in which—like so many in Iran—most of the people are also intensely religious, consider homosexuality the ultimate sin, and agree with the Islamic Republic’s law mandating the death penalty for any person caught in a homosexual act. Isolated and unable to frequent his few gay friends, constantly living in fear of being arrested and tortured, perhaps executed, Sam became increasingly depressed, and even attempted suicide.

Because there is nowhere in Iran where gay people may legally assemble—private gay parties are frequently raided by the police, and the government has an extensive network of gay informers whose cooperation has been obtained by torture, blackmail, and intimidation with threats of prison or death—like many gay Iranians, particularly those outside the largest cities, Sam’s only way of meeting other gay people was through the Internet. Here, translated from Persian, is his story:

Last Spring, Sam related, “I was in a gay Internet chat room for Iranians. A boy in the chat room was sending repeated messages saying that he was looking for a sex partner and was up for anything. He said he was 23 and very handsome. I finally got up the courage to arrange a rendezvous with him somewhere in tow—he said that after meeting we could then go to his house, as there was no question of his coming to mine.

“We met at 3:00 in the afternoon, and, as the young man was very good-looking, I agreed to go with him by taxi to his home. A taxi rapidly arrived—there was a person sitting in the front next to the driver, and another in back. We got into the taxi, and my new friend suggested that I should be the one to sit in the middle in the rear, with him sitting next to me.

“As we drove away, it didn’t take long for them to shove my head down between the Iran_noose_ii_4 rear and front seats and begin beating me. They put a blindfold around my eyes, calling me all sorts of names and threatening me with the worst as the blows continued to rain on me.”

It turned out that both the young man Sam had met in the chat-room, and the others in the taxi, were basiji. The basiji are an unofficial religious parapolice composed of thugs under the control of the Intelligence Ministry and operating with the authorization of the religious authorities. They are recruited from the criminal and under-classes, and are employed by the Islamic government to do its strong-arm dirty work. For example, when the government repressed student demonstrations in universities last year, it was the basiji who were assigned to beat the student demonstrators and throw them out of the windows, so that the government could deny responsibility for these violent repressions, in which a number of students were killed. The basiji are a potent weapon frequently used in the government’s anti-gay crackdown, and it is from their ranks that the human bait used in its Internet entrapment campaign is recruited. Many of the basiji are young.

“After about 15 minutes,” Sam continued, “we arrived at a location—as I was blindfolded, I had no idea where I was. I was in a state of shock—I could not believe this was happening to me. The eventually took off my blindfold, and then began the worst event in my life. I was surrounded by men in civilian clothes, all of them wearing pagers, and some of them were armed. They all had beards, and some of them were quite young, in their late teens. Their boss was almost bald, and had a big stomach—if he’d had a turban around his head he would have looked like a mullah, perhaps he was a mullah in civilian clothes, I don’t know. I quickly concluded I was in some sort of basiji headquarters. It was an old building; part of it was a school.

“After several hours of torture, they asked me to write a statement in which I would promise not to ever use a gay chat room again—if I did, they told me, even heavier punishment would be waiting for me. They told me that if they had caught me having sex they would have hanged me.

“I refused to sign their statement, so they began beating me with a heavy metal cable. Sam_2 God knows how barbarous it was—they beat me at least 30 times, while kicking me with their shoes. I couldn’t bear the pain any more, and I begged them to stop. I knew they would not stop until they had the signed statement in their hands, and that is why I agreed to sign it.(Photo right of some of Sam's injuries, taken just days afer his kidnapping and sequestration)

“But even when I got up from the floor to sign their statement, I asked why—this made their boss very mad, and he ordered his men to resume beating me with the heavy cable, which they did while yelling more threats and insults. The screaming intimidation felt like a hammer on my brain, it was worse than the cable and the beatings. One of them hollered, ‘We’ll round up all you fags until there aren’t any left to make a chat room and play your fag games.’

“The beatings, verbal abuse, and intimidation continued until 8:00 p.m. the next day. I was finally thrown into a storage room—the room was filthy and full of rubbish and had a very bad smell. They kept me locked up in that stinking little room for seven or eight days.

“One day they finally let me out, once again blindfolded me, and shoved me into a car. We drove around for about 30 minutes—but it seemed like 100 years because they were beating me all the time. They dropped me off somewhere and told me not to take off my blindfold until they’d left. When I could no longer hear the sound of their car, I took off the blindfold and saw I was on a deserted dirt road somewhere outside town. I finally flagged down a truck and persuaded the driver to drop me off in town.”

When he got home, Sam said, he faced intensive questioning from his family, who wanted to know where he’d been.

Sam_torture_pglo “But they do not know I’m gay, so I had to lie to them. But I could not give them a plausible answer. I finally called a friend and asked him to take pictures of my wounds and bruises from the beatings (photo left) so I’d have some evidence—but my friend doesn’t know I’m gay either, so I had to lie to him too. I was afraid if I old him the truth the situation would go from bad to worse, so I said the basiji had caught me when I was drunk and beat me. When I got back home, the only member of my family to whom I could tell the truth of what had happed was my brother, who left Iran four years ago, and who is also gay—so I sent him an e-mail.

“I had never considered leaving my country before this horrible episode,” Sam said, “but after it I could sense the shadow of death and torture on my back, so I decided to escape to save my life.”

It took Sam six months after his kidnapping by the basiji before he could arrange to escape from Iran. Four months ago, Sam made his way to Pakistan. There, he filed a request for asylum with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and eventually got in touch with the Persian Gay and Lesbian Organization, the largest Iranian gay organization, which has secretariats in several countries. The PGLO, which has helped me in my previous reportages on the gay tragedy in Iran, asked me to help Sam tell his story to the world. For as Sam said, “Iranian homosexuals have had all their rights taken away from them, and face a bitter destiny.”

Sam today is in Pakistan, still waiting for the UNHCR to recognize as legitimate his demand for asylum in a gay-friendly country.

Pglo_logo_2 There are many other gay refugees from Iranian terror like Sam, almost all of them in dire financial straights and living a precarious existence, constantly fearful that the countries they’ve managed to flee to will deport them back to Iran, where a dire fate awaits them. The PGLO desperately needs our financial and moral support, and help in obtaining asylum for these gay refugees. To find out how to help, please contact the PGLO through the English-language page of its website, by clicking here.

I wrote the above article for Gay City News -- New York's largest gay weekly. For background on the new wave of anti-gay repression in Iran, see my previous articles: July 21 -- Iran Executes Two Gay Teenagers (Updated); August 11 -- Iran Sources Question Rape Charges in Teen Executions; August 12 -- Two New Gay Executions Scheduled in Iran, Says Iranian Exile Group; August 17 -- Iran's Deadly Anti-Gay Crackdown: With Two More Executions Scheduled, the Pace of Repression Steps Up.August 25 -- Iran's Anti-Gay Purge Grows: Reports of New Executions. September 8 -- Iran and the Death of Gay Activism. September 20 -- "They'll Kill Me" -- A Gay Iranian Torture Victim Speaks of His Ordeal ; September 29 -- Iranian Gays Urgently Appeal for Help ; October 6 -- Canada Introduces UN Resolution Condemning Iran's Human Rights Record; November 24, "Save Us"-- A Gay Iranian Who Married His Partner Begs for Help from the West .....Also, don't miss Rob Anderson's excellent article in the November 10 New Republic, "How America's Gay Rights Establishment is Failing Gay Iranians."

NO BOMBING OF IRAN! I've written on many occasions that I'm unalterably opposed to an air strike against Iran's nuclear development plants, either by the U.S. or (as the neo-cons' backup plan has it) by proxy through Israel (Sharon's cabinet approved a plan for an air-strike on Iran six months ago, although it went under-reported in the U.S.). In any case, Timothy Garton-Ash makes a strong realpolitik case against bombing Iran in The Guardian today, which you can read by clicking here.

Posted by Direland at 06:33 PM | Permalink


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I am Iranian refugee and i run away from there i hate Iran and Role regulation.now i am having trouble in Pakistan.i want to contact Embassy.My contact no is 00923213499431.Pleace help me if i get a chance so i will show my level best.

Posted by: Musain | May 22, 2009 7:33:14 AM

Hello I ame Antonio Pilade.
Are an artist, and I live in Catania (Sicily).
In my work ever put into question the issues of homosexuality and taboos.
On this occasion I thought to a job that I will set up inside a shop Persian carpets very well known in Catania, whose name is "Benham" and the owner is also Iran and he accepted, despite the constant relations with its country of origin, with great enthusiasm.
On three of his antique carpets am cucendo of human shapes, such as those made by the police in crime scenes, and these rugs poggerò I-Pod with the audio recordings that I am collecting.
For this "work" I am just looking for people who have had problems, because homosexuals, and that Iran is willing to interviews where rilasciarmi tell their story.
For those wishing to contact:[email protected]

Posted by: antonio | Mar 19, 2008 1:32:09 PM

Doug - your problem is that you see something horrible, you report it, but then you don't know what to do about it. But you do know that you don't want Iran bombed. OK. But you have no other answers on Islamist totalitarianism, as if that is somehow a "neo-con" invention.

You can't be on the fence on this issue. You are either against Islamist totalitarianism as in Iran and in other countries and will do everything against, or you are not. Which side are you on?

Posted by: Simon | May 18, 2007 5:36:46 PM

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