July 26, 2010
Demand Target Stop Donating to Anti-Gay Politicians
From Change.org: "Retail giant Target has given $150,000 to a political candidate in Minnesota, Tom Emmer
[ABOVE, the Republican-endorsed candidate for governor], who has ties to a radical Christian rock band, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide, that has called for gays and lesbians to be murdered. The money, given by Target to a political action committee known as Minnesota Forward, has made its way to the Emmer campaign, despite Emmer's closeness with the anti-gay group.
"What makes this move all the more troubling is that Target openly markets to the LGBT community, and has previously incorporated a number of LGBT-specific corporate policies. For them to filter money, let alone such a high amount, to an organization funding a candidate with ties to an anti-gay hate group flies in the face of their corporate practice, and sends a message that a politics based on fear and hatred toward LGBT people is acceptable.
"Please SIGN THE PETITION to Target today to demand that they stop funding political candidates with a track record that runs counter to LGBT equality. In this particular case, the Minnesota politician in question, Tom Emmer, has clear ties to a group advocating violence toward LGBT people. Emmer hasn't denounced the group, and instead has welcomed them at events and praised their work. That's not the type of politics Target should be in the business of supporting."
Posted by Direland at 05:36 PM | Permalink
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